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Commit changes

Commit your change and create a Pull Request to the origin/main branch. Check out the Git convention for how to commit and make Pull Request.

From a Fork:

  • Make your changes in your Fork and create a Pull Request back to the Eufemia repo and origin/main.
  • Watch the result of the tests.

With access to the Eufemia repo:

  • Make your changes and commit it to the repo in a new branch.
  • Make a Pull Request to origin/main.
  • Watch the result of the tests.

How to write a commit message

Please have a look at the Git convention for how to write a commit message.

Submit Algolia search queries locally

In order to submit Algolia search queries to the dev_eufemia_docs index, you have to:

Create a .env file inside dnb-design-system-portal with valid:

  • ALGOLIA_INDEX_NAME=dev_eufemia_docs
  • ALGOLIA_API_KEY=secret