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The default constants are defined in the /shared/defaults.js file.

  • The default locale of all components texts is: nb-NO.
  • The default currency is: NOK

Supported component translations

Eufemia components comes with a set of default translated strings for the following locales:

NOTE: The sv-SE translation are in a beta phase, as it's not 100% finalised and may change when officially approved by UX.

You can easily change one, some or all of them by using a React provider – the Eufemia Provider.

Here are the default strings located:

// Included by default
import enGB from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/locales/en-GB'
import nbNO from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/locales/nb-NO'
import enGB_forms from '@dnb/eufemia/extensions/forms/constants/locales/en-GB'
import nbNO_forms from '@dnb/eufemia/extensions/forms/constants/locales/nb-NO'
// Additional locales you can add
import svSE from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/locales/sv-SE'
import svSE_forms from '@dnb/eufemia/extensions/forms/constants/locales/sv-SE'

How to set the locale

In React based apps, use the shared Eufemia provider:

import Provider from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/Provider'
const myLocale = 'en-GB'
<Provider locale={myLocale}>
<MyApp>Eufemia components</MyApp>

For component based locale, you can also make use of the lang attribute – if really needed:

import Provider from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/Provider'
<Provider locale="en-GB">
<HelpButton lang="nb-NO" />

How to set locale progressively

You can easily enhance or change translated strings progressively:

import Provider from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/Provider'
'nb-NO': {
Modal: { close_title: 'Something' },
<MyApp>Eufemia components</MyApp>

How to change the locale during runtime

You can even change the locale during runtime. Find more info in the Provider docs.

import { Field } from '@dnb/eufemia/extensions/forms'
import Provider from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/Provider'
import Context from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/Context'
const ChangeLocale = () => {
const { setLocale, locale } = React.useContext(Context)
return (
<Field.Selection value={locale} onChange={(value) => setLocale(value)}>
<Field.Option value="nb-NO" title="Norsk" />
<Field.Option value="sv-SE" title="Svenska" />
<Field.Option value="en-GB" title="English (GB)" />
<ChangeLocale />

Provide your own translations

You can provide your own translations by using the shared Provider. Translation strings with several levels of depth can be given as a flat object with dot-notation, or as a nested object (cascaded).

import Provider from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/Provider'
const nbNO = { myString: 'Min egendefinerte streng' }
const enGB = {
// Cascaded translations
Nested: {
stringWithArgs: 'My custom string with an argument: {myKey}',
// Flat translations
'Nested.stringWithArgs': 'My custom string with an argument: {myKey}',
const myTranslations = {
'nb-NO': nbNO,
'en-GB': enGB,
<Provider translations={myTranslations} locale="en-GB">
<MyComponent />

Consume translations in your components

You can use the useTranslation hook to get the strings from the shared context. The hook returns an object with the strings and a formatMessage function you can use to get the translated strings with arguments.

import { useTranslation } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared'
const myTranslations = {
'nb-NO': { myString: 'Min egendefinerte streng' },
'en-GB': {
// Cascaded translations
Nested: {
stringWithArgs: 'My custom string with an argument: {myKey}',
// Flat translations
'My custom string with a {br}line-break',
const MyComponent = () => {
const t = useTranslation<typeof myTranslations>()
// Internal translations
const existingString = t.Dropdown.title
// Your translations
const myString = t.myString
// Use the "formatMessage" function to handle strings with arguments
const myStringWithArgsA = t.formatMessage(t.Nested.stringWithArgs, {
myKey: 'myValue',
// You can also get the string with a key (dot-notation)
const myStringWithArgsB = t.formatMessage('Nested.stringWithArgs', {
myKey: 'myValue',
// Render line-breaks
const jsxOutput = t.renderMessage(t.Nested.stringWithLinebreaks)
return <>MyComponent</>
<Provider translations={myTranslations} locale="en-GB">
<MyComponent />

Good to know: You can consume the strings with a dot-notated key, directly from the formatMessage function:


TypeScript support

import Provider, { Locales } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/Provider'
const nbNO = {
myString: 'Min egendefinerte streng',
const enGB = {
myString: 'My custom string',
} satisfies typeof nbNO // Ensure the types are compatible
const myTranslations = {
'nb-NO': nbNO,
'en-GB': enGB,
// Infer the type of the translations
type MyLocales = keyof typeof myTranslations
type MyTranslation = (typeof myTranslations)[MyLocales]

How to combine with other tools

You can easily combine the locales support it with other translation tools, like react-intl.

Like, having the Eufemia components strings inside a JSON object/file en.json:

"Modal.close_title": "Overwrite",
"other.string": "{foo} ({bar} of {max})"

and use it like this:

import EufemiaProvider from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/Provider'
import nb from './nb.json' // Has to be an JavaScript object
'nb-NO': nb,
<MyApp>Eufemia components</MyApp>

Cascaded object (flat object, dot-notated keys) support

  1. Lets say you have your translation files as JSON object/files en.json:
"Modal.close_title": "Overwrite",
"my.string": "string {foo}"
  1. and use it with a React hook like this:
import {
Provider as EufemiaProvider,
} from '@dnb/eufemia/shared'
import nb from './nb.json'
import en from './en.json'
const MyComponent = () => {
const str = useTranslation('my.string', {
foo: 'bar',
return str
'nb-NO': nb,
'en-GB': en,
<MyComponent />
  1. or as a React component:
import {
Provider as EufemiaProvider,
} from '@dnb/eufemia/shared'
import nb from './nb.json'
import en from './en.json'
'nb-NO': nb,
'en-GB': en,
<Translation id="my.string" foo="bar" />

For TypeScript support, you can use the Translation component with a function. You may also want to make a wrapper, so you can use your own translation types:

import {
Provider as EufemiaProvider,
} from '@dnb/eufemia/shared'
const translations = {
'nb-NO': { my: { string: 'streng {foo}' } },
'en-GB': { my: { string: 'string {foo}' } },
type Translation = (typeof translations)[keyof typeof translations]
// Make a wrapper, so we can use your translation types
const MyTranslation = (props: TranslationProps<Translation>) => (
<Translation {...props} />
<EufemiaProvider locale="nb-NO" translations={translations}>
<MyTranslation id={(t) =>} foo="bar" />

How to add Eufemia provided locales

Eufemia components

Eufemia provides component translations for the following locales:

NOTE: The sv-SE translation are in a beta phase, as it's not 100% finalised and may change when officially approved by UX.

To include e.g. sv-SE you can use the following code:

import { Provider } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared'
import svSE from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/locales/sv-SE'
<Provider translations={svSE} locale="sv-SE">
Your app

Eufemia Forms

Eufemia provides forms translations for the following locales:

NOTE: The sv-SE translation are in a beta phase, as it's not 100% finalised and may change when officially approved by UX.

You can provide forms translations to the translations property within the Form.Handler component like this:

import { Form } from '@dnb/eufemia/src/extensions/forms'
import svSE_forms from '@dnb/eufemia/extensions/forms/constants/locales/sv-SE'
<Form.Handler translations={svSE_forms} locale="sv-SE">
Your form

How ever, instead of providing the forms translations per form, you can also provide them globally using the Provider component.

If so, you can use the mergeTranslations function from @dnb/eufemia/shared to merge the forms translations with the shared translations like this:

import { Provider, mergeTranslations } from '@dnb/eufemia/shared'
import svSE from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/locales/sv-SE'
import svSE_forms from '@dnb/eufemia/extensions/forms/constants/locales/sv-SE'
const translations = mergeTranslations(svSE, svSE_forms)
<Provider translations={translations} locale="sv-SE">
Your app, including Eufemia Forms

How to add new locales

Create a new file (nn-NO.js) containing all the strings:

export default {
'nn-NO': {
GlobalError: {
404: {
title: 'Me finn ikkje sida du leitar etter …',

And add the file, like so:

import Provider from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/Provider'
import myTranslations from './locales/nn-NO'
<Provider translations={myTranslations}>
<MyApp>Eufemia components</MyApp>

Add or update the locales during runtime

import Provider from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/Provider'
import Context from '@dnb/eufemia/shared/Context'
import myTranslations from './locales/nn-NO'
const ChangeLocale = () => {
const { update, locale } = React.useContext(Context)
// Add new locales
update({ locales: myTranslations, locale: 'nn-NO' })
return locale
<ChangeLocale />